This is what I commented on Jacob Garwin's post titled (Insert Creative Title).
Good job Jacob. Your blog is really starting to look good. Your pictures really gave me good insight on the poems. I can really connect with Winter Moon. During winter i like looking at the moon too! Because of your post i might one day read this book of poetry. Keep up the good work! I actually have a question the poems. Why do all the poems seem sad? Is that the main theme of the book or just a couple of the poems?This is what I commented on Stevie Daily’s post titled Picture Creation.
Sorry Stevie, I can't really connect with this book. But from your pictures it seems really interesting! I do have a question though. Why is the main character sad? I understand that her friend died, but how does that turn into a whole story? In future posts, you should explain this. But overall the book seems really interesting. Being a guy however, I probably won't read the book. Keep up the good work Stevie!
This is what I commented on Jack Bryant’s post titled Picture Post.
Your post is really interesting and the pictures you choose really draw me in. However, I have a question is Phileas Fogg the main character or Jackie Chan? Also, why does he make that bet? Had no one gone around the world in under 81 days before? I was planning on reading this book anyway, but after your picture post it makes me really want to read it!